Review: The Watchers

The Watchers The Watchers by Lacy LeRoch
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** April's 5 Star Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams

What would you do if your whole life changed completely in one day?

Sisters Lucy and Lacy find themselves in a world they never knew existed. They aren't typical nineteen-year-old girls but they are unaware of the magic buried inside.

Can the sisters overcome their fear and be able to move forward?

Lacy and Lucy have a hard road to travel after tragedy strikes. The girls are placed in the care of the Council, under the protection of the Watchers.

Will love be enough to help them overcome their sadness? Will Rafe be able to win the heart of the very quiet twin Lucy?
I really loved this book! It didn’t take me long at all to get sucked into it.! Every single page brought something new to the story; secrets revealed, action-packed drama, alpha-love, teasers for the future. And did I mention the cliff hanger. Loved it! I was so heartbroken with what happened to Lacy. Can’t wait to see her wield the power of her phoenix & learn more about Jay & Kelan.

As for Lucy… Her relationship with Rafe was hot-to-trot! Loved the red haze that would overcome them when they were near each other and loved the fact that they got such great news at the end. I just hope that her relationship with her Rafe doesn’t drive her sister away. Don’t get me started about their step mom. She was just pure evil and I hope she gets what is coming her way. I am so excited to jump into book two in the series Warrior.

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