Review: Holidays with the Horde

Holidays with the Horde Holidays with the Horde by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** April's 5 Star Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams

Now that your holidays are over, and all the decorations are put safely away, let’s take a look at how the Horde spent their holidays.
Join Fern and Gabriel for Thanksgiving as they host a feast for the Horde and their friends. The Murphy’s table holds not only the Horde, but bikers, friends, and the biggest blessing in their lives the children. But be prepared. Not everyone is grateful for what they have.

Wolf opens his home and heart for Christmas Eve dinner, showing a side of himself that up until now, he has kept hidden. Once again, the Horde and friends come together. Let’s see what, or more importantly, who, meets under the mistletoe for that Christmas Eve kiss.

Christmas Day finds everyone at Des’ house, to experience their holiday in the woods. As everyone is enjoying each other’s company, who should appear with a sled led by deer? That’s right, it’s Santa Claus, with a bag full of gifts for everyone.

Finally, on New Year’s Eve, Cadence makes one of Trinity’s dreams come true. With stars in the sky, and snow on the ground, celebrate with the Horde, as Cadence once again wears his heart on his sleeve.

Enjoy this Ride the Horde calls Life, and see what is coming next for the Wheels & Hogs family.

I can’t tell you how excited I was to hear about this book. I have missed this family like crazy and it is so wonderful to see them all once again. I was so happy to see all the characters back and to see that Cadence makes one of Trinity’s dreams come true. In this one we also see what is going on with Daisy. I know everyone who has read the Horde Series is looking forward to see whose story comes next, I am truly hoping that it is Daisy’s story. Can wait to see what happens next with this loving family.

View all my reviews


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