Review: Head Start

Head Start Head Start by Freya Barker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** April's 5 Star Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams

Kendra Schmitt puts most of her time into the new clinic in Cedar Tree, which is now almost running full time. With her schedule a bit more predictable, she finally considers a personal life and concedes to a disastrous blind date. Always the responsible one in her family, she has avoided any kind of entanglement. In particular with a certain young investigator.

Junior member of the GFI team, Neil James, has seen and experienced more than most at his age. When his team becomes part of a task force investigating a series of murders in the area, his protective instincts kick in. The victims' profiles closely match that of a certain physical therapist.

Neil has been trying unsuccessfully for over a year to get closer to Kendra. Now that she might be in danger, he’s determined to break through her resistance and goes all out to win her trust.

Especially now that the killer’s focus appears to zero in on Kendra.

OMG!! I have fallen in love with Neil!

Head Start is the 7th and final book in the Cedar Tree Series. I am so sad to see this series to come to an end. Like all the other books in this series this one is another winner. I couldn’t put it down. Head Start is one of my favorite books. I love how Neil never once gave up on his feels for Kendra. Kendra like all the other women in the series is fighting her feelings for him. Head Start kept me on the edge of my seat and having me wonder what would happen next. I laughed and cried with this one. I can’t wait to add this to my shelf. Thanks Freya for making me fall in love with this sexy as hell Neil and all the others.

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