Review: Wrath of the King

Wrath of the King Wrath of the King by Anna B. Madrise
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. This is the second book in the series and starts off where the first one ends. You definitely need to read the first book before you start this one.
Mundane Bergamot is now Umadenn, the Hobgoblin Queen. She is living with the Hobgoblins in Boggleann and is working hard on getting the hobgoblins in order because she knows it won’t be long before King Vezzen from New Taleggia attacks. He’s not alone, Javen’s brother Lorcan is now helping him. Lorcan knows that the only way to gain ultimate power is to work with King Vezzen.
King Vezzen’s son, Prince Stelvin and his wife, Queen Sora, realize that they must do what they can to stop King Vezzen and Lorcan before it’s too late.
This book had some slow parts, while building up to the final battle. Still a good YA adventure book. I can’t wait for my 8-year old daughter to be old enough to read them. I’m waiting to see what comes next from the mind of Ms. Madrise

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