Review: Saving Her

Saving Her Saving Her by Alexis Noelle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is not your natural HEA but it is one on every level. This book has Life, Joy, Tears, Laughter, Crazy Men and even Crazier Women. Once you start it you won’t put it down! This is one of them books where it helps you remember to never take life for granted. In this crazy thing, we call life we always take things for granted but after reading this amazing story by Alexis Noelle you will not take the little thing for granted. I woke my kids up at half hour till midnight; kissed and hugged them then told them I love them more than that world. This is my second story by Alexis Noelle but this one has made its way easily into my top ten!

Mason Brooks is an alpha jack a** and he knows it. He’s one of them you will love and hate all at the same time. Lacey Hunt will have you loving her and laughing from the first page. She has more heart than anyone could imagine. You will be asking yourself many things by then end of this story but I have a few that everyone should be asking.

Why does Lacey want Mason so bad? The same could be asked for Mason. Why can’t either get the other out of their system? Can Mason get over his past? Can he let Lacey in? Will Lacey ever share her secrets? Will they make Mason run from her?

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