Review: Illumination

Illumination Illumination by A.L. Waddington
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** April's 5 Star Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams

Can time predict the future?
In the gripping conclusion of the bestselling EVE series, Jocelyn and Jackson come face to face with the challenges of living combined lives on both planes. While Jackson struggles under the demands of his chosen profession, Jocelyn discovers hidden branches on the family tree. But the more she uncovers, the deeper she finds herself and her family in an uncharted realm that no one considered a possibility. Is it possible for EVE to not only skip around with family members but also switch branches? Can someone be someone in one era and hold an entirely different relation in another?
The happy couple soon learns that a branch, like time, has the tendency to bend in the most unexpected directions and occasionally even break. When that happens lives are forever changed, the forces of destinies altered, and fate derailed. The fluidity of time begins to take on an obscure meaning as the barrier between the two worlds fades into darkness.
Illumination is the fourth and final book in the Eve series by A.L. Waddington. Not only has Jocelyn accepted EVE as part of her life, she now lives in two different planes, 1879 and 2010. She knows that her barriers have almost completely came down she is almost completely clear that the happenings in her planes. Both her and Jackson are happily settled in to married life although she is still in her senior year of high school. In 1879, we find that Jocelyn is struggling with her place as a woman. She is expected to stay at home and run her household and start a family but her and Jackson are putting that on hold so that she can go to college in her current year. She is expected to be proper and adhere to her husband’s wishes. As her barriers come down, though, her free spirit of 2010 bleeds into her personality in 1879 which temporarily puts a strain on her relationship with Jackson. In Illumination Jacelyn and Jackson suffer from several losses to their families. The harshness of this era is hard for her to accept, although she loves the closeness she feels there with her family, something she misses in 2010. Also in Illumination we find out that Sidney Jocelyn’s sister has also inherited the gift of EVE as well.
I loved seeing both Jocelyn and Jackson let loose and act like high school seniors should. Especially when the entire school had a silly string and shaving cream fight. I am sad that this series has come to an end. I have not only had fallin in love with the characters of this series but also with the author’s work. I can’t wait to see if we see a book about Sydney.

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