Haunted By Fate (Vale Avaris #2) Release Blitz

Haunted By Fate(Vale Avari #2)


Heather Marie Adkins

Release Blitz


After narrowly losing her life, Vale has settled into a comfortable routine of work and love, though she isn’t sure she’s ready to own a house — or be a mom.
Her semblance of normalness is shattered when a co-worker becomes ill after a night in a haunted hotel. The only person with enough power to save the girl is Vale, but the ritual is risky for her and for the baby.
Against her boyfriend’s wishes, Vale knows she has to go forward with the rite. Since becoming pregnant, she’s begun having visions... and she knows if she can’t save Lorna, no one can.

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Author Bio:

HEATHER MARIE ADKINS writes too much but still too little. She also has too many cats, not enough tequila, and a love affair with procrastination that burns with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.

She has penned more novels than she can keep track of, including: Stalked by Night (Vale Avari, Book One); Abigail (Witch Faery, Book One); His Haunting Kiss (His Kiss, Book One); Mother of All (Hedgewitch Mysteries, Book One); and Heaven Below (Goddess of Ptalonia, Book One). She may have hit a bestseller list once or twice in the past six years, and even made it to second round of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest in 2013.

Heather lives in north-central Kentucky and is married to a sarcastic cop who is entirely too dependent on puns. When she’s not plotting her next story or herding felines, she works at the library in public relations. Find out more about her at heathermarieadkins.com.

 She blogs strictly about book news here at heathermarieadkinsauthor.com. For life, love, and current events, visit her personal blog at heather.bishoffs.com or visit her website at heathermarieadkins.com.


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