Review: All In

All In All In by Brook Greene
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** Trish's 5 Star Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams

Oh where do I start this book was just amazing. The story line was intriguing at best. Let's just say you think this Motorcycle Club is what it is let's just say I was really surprised with how it turned out. Leo and Avery are so steamy in this book. She is one stubborn woman and he is just as stubborn. But his stubbornness is because he can't tell her what is going on and she thinks she really needs to know. He stubbornness leads her into some trouble that Leo of course has to get her out of. But Leo's dealings is what lands her into trouble. He is fighting his feelings for her because he doesn't want to lose her and she has fallen for him and just doesn't want to be just for a little while but she decides that she will have to take it day by day. Will these two come to be what each other needs without being lost in the explosive happenings around them? Can they finally give into their feelings and live happily ever after or do they go their separate ways? You will have to read this to find out? Great job done by Brook Greene!

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