Title: The Carmichaels Series Author: Charlotte Penn Clark Genre: Contemporary Romance/New Adult (Interconnected Standalones) The Carmichaels series follows the lives and loves of five privileged sisters, daughters of a Colorado senator considering a presidential campaign. In the first book we meet the eldest CORINNE, who at 20 is trying to declare her independence from her famous family. Modeling at a photo shoot, she falls in love with Paul, a French fashion photographer, and the story follows their first year together as they manage a long-distance relationship, her father’s presidential campaign, and then [spoiler!] her parents’ tragic deaths in a helicopter accident. The second book, DAISY , begins five years later: Paul and Corinne are still stuck in their long-distance relationship and now the focus turns to the second daughter, who is returning from a post-graduate year in London and determined to pursue a career in financial media in New York. When the brilliant financ...
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