Review: Leaving Eva

Leaving Eva Leaving Eva by Jennifer Sivec
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** April's 5 Star Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams

There is a secret pain lurking within all of us, waiting to consume us if we allow it.

On the outside, Brynn Michael seems to be living the perfect life. She’s a successful businesswoman married to a handsome and devoted husband. But nobody, not even her husband and childhood sweetheart, Adam, knows the true depth of Brynn’s horror. Abandoned on the side of the road by her young drug addicted mother, then abused by her adoptive father, teenage Brynn turns to the only solace she can find in the sharp end of a razor. She spends her lifetime hiding the scars, both physical and emotional, until she has no choice but to face what she has been running from her entire life.

Brynn must figure out a way to confront her past or risk losing Adam, the only true love she’s ever known, forever. But in spite of it all, Brynn may not have the ultimate choice, as the past eventually seeks her out.

Leaving Eva is the heartrending story of one woman’s battle to overcome her tragic childhood and the abandonment and abuse that haunt her. Caution: Eva’s story it contains graphic violence, strong language, drug abuse, domestic abuse, and child abuse.

In this dramatically dark novel, Jennifer Sivec, author of women’s fiction, delves into the selfishness and depravity of human nature, and begs you to question whether happiness can ever truly be attained once you have been deeply scarred.

Leaving Eva is not an easy story to read, it is the kind of dark story that draws the reader in and takes them on an roller coaster ride where they will experience the gamut of emotions as Eva/Brynn's life story unfolds. What an emotion read. I can’t put into words how I felt for Bryann. Growing up and going through what she did no woman or child should have to go through that. Leaving Eva tugs at the heart strings and stirs the soul as it explores the depths of the human spirit. It is a riveting story that will easily captivate the reader's attention and make them become emotionally invested. Leaving Eva is a moving story that will make you hold your breath with what Eva/Brynn endures in her life and yes there is a cliffhanger. Which will make you want to read more.

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