Dare to Love by Amanda Kaitlyn Cover Reveal

A very special thank you goes out to Melissa Gill for the spectacular cover!
Check out her group on Facebook!

One moment. 

One moment changed my life forever.

Her big green eyes looked at me and I knew I would never be the same. 

But sometimes in life, the things you want are the ones that stand just out of reach. 

The pain her loss in my life caused was indescribable. 

Hot, piercing pain that in all of my fourteen years of living, I had never experienced. 

I remembered her. 

Every day. 

Every bad date my friends pushed me into. 

Every lonely holiday I spent without her to talk to. 

Until I saw her. 

And I found her all over again. 

My father always told me that love snuck up on you when you were least expecting it. 

That’s what happened with her. 

Charlie was my girl from that moment on and I would do anything to protect her. 


Amanda Kaitlyn is an author of seductive, edgy romance. She is a hopeless romantic at heart. Books by Kristen Proby, Kelly Elliott and Stephanie Meyer have influenced her writing. One thing that inspires her is music. Country, pop, rock, Amanda enjoys it all. As a young girl, she loved fairy tales. As she grew up she realized that these stories change. Love isn’t always perfect and the fight of that love is what urges her to write the stories she does. Between the pages of her books you will find real, heartfelt romance, rugged emotion and lots of steam.

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