Finally Fate by Tamra Lassiter

Finally Fate

by Tamra Lassiter Role of Fate Series, #6Publication Date: January 25, 2016 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


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Fate may take its own sweet time, but true love is worth the wait.

Kennedy Simms has grown weary of love passing her by, and she’s tired of her well-meaning but overprotective brother meddling in her life. When fate brings Kennedy a handsome, intelligent, and wealthy boyfriend, she thinks it’s finally her turn. But if William is her one and only, then why can’t she stop thinking about someone else? Bryce Chambers has liked Kennedy from afar for too many years. She’s smart and beautiful and unfortunately, the sister of his very good friend and boss. Bryce abides by the Guy Code and tries to keep away from Kennedy, but when he can’t suppress his feelings any longer, Kennedy’s with the perfect William. Will Bryce find a way to move on with his life, or will fate finally bring him the love he’s been waiting for?


About Tamra Lassiter

I live outside Washington, D.C. with my wonderfully supportive husband and two daughters, one of which is approaching her teenage years. Help us all! If that isn’t enough, we have a Great Dane and an English Bulldog to keep us on our toes. It’s crazy around here, and I love every minute of it! Writing is my third career. I didn’t set out to be a writer, it was just meant to be. My Mechanical Engineering degree from Virginia Tech prepared me well for my first career as an Engineer/Program Manager. My second career was in Human Resources. Long story, but I figured it out. I believe the best start for a writing career is to be a reader first, and I’ve been an avid reader my whole life. I’ve loved to read ever since I picked up my first Nancy Drew mystery in the fourth grade. Now, I love reading just about everything, but I don’t read sad books. I don’t watch sad movies either for that matter, no matter how many awards they’ve won. Life’s too short, and who needs all that strife to bring us down? Many of my words have been penned late into the evening, which explains why I’ve never viewed whatever television show you recommend to me. I would, however, love to hear your recommendations for a great read!

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