Discovering April & Uncovering Officer Smith by Sheena Hutchinson Sale Blitz

Title: Discovering April & Uncovering Officer Smith
Author: Sheena Hutchinson
Genre: New Adult Romance

Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
Blurb: April Landau thinks she has everything she’s ever wanted. Her high school sweetheart, a house she can’t afford, her bipolar tabby cat, and she’s all set to begin her Junior year of college. Just when she least expects it, her life gets thrown for a loop. When things between her and her long time boyfriend unravel, she becomes stuck in a downward spiral of emotion. Finally, opening her eyes to the fact that she may have given up more than she ever could have imagined in this relationship. She finds herself struggling to keep her head above water.

Enter April’s next door neighbor— Jared Hoffman. He’s her complete opposite. A high school drop out who was forced to take over his parent’s business after their untimely death. It’s no surprise this tragedy affected him greatly, causing him to recede almost completely from society.
But he has one secret. A secret he’s been carrying around for years.
What happens when their worlds collide? Can an old friendship be the one thing that brings these two back to life?
A new adult love story filled with drama, sex, death, and the complications of all of the above.
Blurb: John Smith has been hurt before by a mysterious blonde that tumbles out of his cop car. Since she stomped on his heart, he's made sure he'll never feel that way again. He has developed two rules: Never more than one night and never a blonde. 
The nerdy and conservative Becca Swanson has a plan for her life: college, law school, and rule the world. Nothing and no one will get in her way. That is, until she wakes up in a stranger's bedroom with no recollection of the night before.
This one tumultuous night caused these two to cross paths. Becca is everything John told himself he didn't need. Smart, sexy, and -- blonde. When she becomes the victim of one of his cases he finally can't deny the connection anymore. Worst of all, he's beginning to fall harder than ever before.
It throws his rules and her plans out the window. Could it have been fate? Or will it become the biggest mistake either of them has ever made?
Sheena is a born and raised New Yorker, even her writing can’t hide her hard sarcasm. She claims destiny lead her to writing again. She constantly strives to be a positive role model and write stories that empower and inspire.   
Sheena always roots for the underdog, believes in love at first sight, and that everyone should have their happily ever after. While God is currently writing her love story she continues to put all her time into her writing as she is constantly getting new inspiration.
For more on Sheena and her books visit her website
Buy Links: Discovering April:
Uncovering Officer Smith:
Excerpt from Uncovering Officer Smith:
Meggie and I almost started crying during the pre-game shot, toast. Her parents decided to pull her out of summer classes. This is her last weekend before she has to return home. I don’t know what I’m going to do without her. She almost said the exact same thing during her toast, but we quickly chased it down with some humor. I mean, after all, we’ll be apart for barely two months.
When you spend every single day together, two months feels like an eternity. Tonight is going to be a good night. Just my best friend and me – we promised each other a girl’s night. For the first time in my life, I was totally lying.
There are a ton of bars on The Ave. We could have gone to any number of them, and probably should have… but truthfully, I wanted him to see me. Meggie and I saunter up to the bouncer on the patio stairs in our heels and he automatically waves us in. After sharing a glance, we giggle before walking into the flap of the tented patio. The white material billows up into two points above the patio and the light filters through, casting an eerie ambiance. My eyes scan the crowd.
Meggie catches my eye. “I don’t see him, Bee.”
I look away. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
She smiles. “You know exactly who I am talk about.” She guides me across the patio to the outside bar, conveniently squeezing in between a pair of guys, and places our drink order.
“Oh, excuse me, boys.” Meggie is the queen of striking up conversation. The bartender places the drinks on the bar top and I happen to notice one of the guys reaching for his wallet.
“Let me get those for you, doll,” he offers.
“Oh, I couldn’t possibly…” Meggie starts and I roll my eyes. She definitely could possibly, and he is totally being played.
They exchange a few words before she passes me one of the drinks. She waves to them as we walk away arm in arm.  
“I don’t know how you do it.” I giggle in her ear.
“Men are suckers.” She wiggles her fingers at a bouncer in the doorway to the back entrance of the club and we slip inside. “It’s almost like they deserve it. You see, Becca, you can let them play you—Or you can play them first.”
“That’s no way to be, Meggie.”
“That’s the only way to be.” She lifts her drink to her lips and swallows a gulp.
My head nods before glancing around, just one more time. John is stationed in his usual spot against the far wall, overlooking the dance floor. His stern glare surveys the area as groups of girls gravitate to the dance floor in front of him. He has a vibe about him that begs to be enjoyed. Tonight, I want to give in. I crave spontaneity and adventure the way a college girl should. But most of all, I want to be that way with him.


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