Promise You Forever (A Callahan Family Short Story) by Celeste Grande Promo Blitz

Promise You Forever

~ A Callahan Family Short Story ~


Celeste Grande

* Can be read as a standalone

Brayden Callahan has loved Casey Grant his whole life. And Casey has only ever had eyes for Brayden. From puppy love to undying passion, their love is timeless, both of them secure in the fact that they are meant to be. 

Until she leaves for college. 

Brayden finds himself swirling in a bundle of nerves. Realizing how much he hates being separated only solidifies his devotion to her. When Casey comes home for Christmas break, he knows he wants to seal the deal of their fate and promise her forever. But, in a nervous panic to make it the perfect evening, Brayden succeeds in doing only one thing: Making a mess of everything.

Can her pull it together long enough to officially ask her?

And will she say yes?

Promise You Forever is a short story which was previously included in the Hot for the Holidays Anthology and features a cameo from Blake turner in Live Me available now. 


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