The Way With You (The Way #2) by Anne Mercier Blog Tour

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Title: The Way With You

Series: The Way #2

Author: Anne Mercier

Genre: Coming of Age/New Adult Romance

Release Date: May 23, 2016

The Way With You Cover


Finding a "happily ever after" was hard enough.

Keeping it is even harder.

Olivia Brennan and Cameron Stone have both gone through Hell and back to finally find their way to each other. With obstacles set against them, the struggle to stay connected is harder than ever. Between their academic schedules, Olivia's newfound campus infamy, and a conniving ex stirring up trouble, Liv and Cam begin to struggle to keep what they've worked so hard for.

But when something unexpected fractures their trust, they must decide if they can repair what's left of their fragile love or will they discover that "happily ever after" is just for fairytales?

the way with you teaser 4

See what other readers are saying

"Another great read from Anne....I really enjoyed the first book and was waiting to find out what happened to Cam and Liv, how their story and history played out for them. I have to say I was a little shocked at the change in Cam from the beginning to the end of that book but I still liked it. [...]

I LOVED the outcome and the fact it is not what you expect. Too many books these days have predictable fairy tale outcomes and I am frankly tired of it and the same story over and over, I like a surprise and twist."~ LJ's Secret Addiction

"It was amazing and so not what I was expecting. I read 5 plus books a week and I can honestly tell you that I didn't see that one coming. It hard to explain how a book can break and heal your heart all at the same time." - Marni, Amazon reviewer

"To say I was shocked, is an understatement, but that's what I love about Anne's books. You should never just assume that they are going to be just like everyone else's." Stacey Johnson, Amazon reviewer

the way with you teaser 3

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the way back to me

The Way Back to Me (The Way #1) – Released Feb 23, 2016

She was perky, fun, and full of life—everything I hated about girls and their bullshit exterior. People called her bubbly; I called her “fake-as-hell.”
The edgy, dark, lonely girl in front of me was not the Olivia Brennan I knew from high school—far from it, actually. I knew the story—the whole town knew the story, we witnessed it all. It happened in the blink of an eye and the girl we knew was gone.
But I refuse to watch it anymore—I can’t stand it. I’m going to fix it—fix her. It’s time I showed Olivia Brennan her way back…
Back to the girl she used to be.
the way series teaser

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About Anne

Anne Mercier

I was born and raised in Wisconsin and still live here today with my two sons and puppy. (Though one day soon I hope to move to southern California!)

I’m an avid reader who gets inspired by reading the stories from my favorite authors as well as listening to various types of music. I am a huge fan of music, chocolate, fruit, desserts, autumn, M. Shadows, Avenged Sevenfold, and Milo Ventimiglia. Through my books, I am proudly creating new Avenged Sevenfold and Milo Ventimiglia fans one reader at a time.

“The best part of being an author, to me, is being able to take the reader to that one place they long to go when they need to escape reality. Knowing I can do that, for even one reader, makes what I do worthwhile.” ~ Anne Mercier

Hugs and love,

Anne xoxo

Stalk Anne:





Thank you!!


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