Protector by Michelle Horst Sales Blitz

Title: Protector
Author: Michelle Horst
Genre: Romantic Suspense Stand alone
Release Date: October 31, 2016
On Sale: $0.99 
"This book is a beautifully written masterpiece of life, love and loss and how sometimes we have to learn to live with the scars life throws us." - 5 Sassy Southern Stars
"Thank you for delivering me epic!!" - 5 Kitty Kats Crazy About Books Stars
"Miss twisted my heart big time!!" - 5 Submit to Books Stars
"In closing, PROTECTOR is one of those novels that you can't come out of totally unscathed but somehow emerge stronger." - 4.5 Epic Romance Reviews Stars
I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of person. I wanted to save the world, or at least leave my stamp behind. In my own naïve way I thought I could bribe karma but life has a way of teaching us lessons.
I never knew how selfish I was until my life was ripped away from me. 
I’m forced to watch as they torture and kill my family … and I know I’m next. 
I hear their screams. 
I watch them die. 
It’s the worst kind of torture 
Then he comes. He made a promise to my brother. It’s the only thing keeping him bound to me. 
A promise to protect me. 
I should set him free of the promise … but I don’t. He’s my shield against karma. He’s my protector.


International bestselling author of Predator, The Monster Series and many others. She loves writing anything from Young Adult to Suspense Romance.



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