RECLAMATION by Melissa Kay Clarke

The Legacy Reborn, book 1
by Melissa Kay Clarke

Genre: Young Adult Dystopian

One woman, one man, one Legacy, one chance to save them all.

Something malevolent stalks the world spreading chaos and discord, targeting those individuals who are destined to provide a great service to humanity. Most are not aware of their sinister plots, but one is.

To the casual observer, Scarlet is only a bicycle courier, however, she is so much more. When the shadows lengthen and evil walks, she is judge and jury, exacting justice. Perhaps some may call it an honor but she calls it a curse because she can't have a family or friends and can't relinquish it until the day she dies. With no help, she muddles through best she can, hoping to make a difference at the price of her own happiness.

Gage Williams, Senior Detective, is searching for a mysterious vigilante who leaves behind a sea of destruction and a grateful public. When all the evidence points to Scarlet, he has to weigh it against his own heart. Is it possible the woman that has captured his attention is the one they are searching for?

When the Legacy calls, Scarlet must answer. 

Even if it costs her everything.

“He was about five-foot-eight or nine, skinny but with big muscles.” Renee shivered as she described her hero to the detective.

“No, he was more like six foot tall,” piped in her friend Jill, “with blond hair and blue eyes.”

“His eyes were green. I got a close look,” Renee retorted. “His hair was more like brown than blond, maybe what they call dirty blond.”

Gage rolled his eyes as he tried to make notes on the person who had saved the teens from their folly. “Are you even sure it was a man?”

Both girls nodded. “Absolutely. He had a deep, sexy voice,” Jill chimed in, “and a blond mustache. I saw it over the scarf he had over his face.”

“What kind of knife did he have?” Gage waited expectantly.

“It wasn’t a knife, it was one of those sword thingies,” Renee said.

“Yeah, a freaking huge sword. It was about three foot long and two inches wide, with black leather on the handle. I could draw a picture of it, if you want.” Jill nodded enthusiastically.

“It would help.” He smiled. He severely doubted either of these two could supply anything helpful, given the way they were both behaving. If he had to guess, they were probably coming off a high or drunk or perhaps both. He looked up as a car pulled into the parking lot and four adults spilled out, running over to them. “Here come your parents. You can go with them, but I need you both to come down to the station in the morning and answer some more questions.” He flipped the notebook closed and tucked it back into his pocket. The two girls were wrapped in parental arms and sobs of relief filled the air.

Back at the murder scene, the M.E. loaded the second body onto a gurney and into their waiting van.

“What do you think really happened?”

Gage rolled his shoulders and glanced over at the officer who had asked. “I think two kids got lucky and one kid didn’t.”

“You want to put out an APB on our hero?”

The detective laughed. “Yeah, sure. Be on the lookout for a blond or brunette man between five-foot-nine and six foot tall, roughly one hundred and fifty pounds or two hundred pounds, in his early twenties or thirties with blue and green eyes, wearing all black. Approach with caution because he has a freaking huge sword thingy.”

“So basically, we are looking for the entire cast from Highlander,” the officer quipped. “I can’t wait to see the sketch accompanying it.”

Melissa was born in Tupelo, Mississippi and raised in Houlka, a small rural town forty-five minutes southwest down the famous Natchez Trace. She found a love of reading very early and quickly devoured everything she could. In the fourth grade she discovered a multitude of worlds when she received her first library card. Told repeatedly that she had a wonderful imagination, she turned to scribbling her musings and wrote her first novel while in college. It was never published and has since vanished. The death of a close friend who aspired to become an author reawaked her own desire resulting in penning her first book, Shattered Dreams, published in 2013. It was quickly followed by two sequels with a forth final book in the works.

Melissa now resides in Meridian, Mississippi with her supportive family – husband, Robert and daughter Rebecca, two cats, and a precocious Chihuahua. When she isn't writing, she spends way too much time communicating with her online friends and feeding her ravenous appetite for the written word.


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