Review: Sacrifice of Love

Sacrifice of Love Sacrifice of Love by S.M. Stryker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**** April's Review **** 5 Dreams and Screams
I received this book from the author for an honest review.

Richard Stone devoted his life to work and family. When his parents died tragically, the life he'd known came crashing down, causing him to spiral out of control. That is until the postcard came.
Nicole House was graduating college when the unthinkable happened. Brutally attacked, her life was forever changed. Leaving her family, dream job and the only life she knew behind, she moved, hoping she could escape her attacker and she shame that fateful night left her with.
Two people who Never Expected Love are brought together.

But will the demons secrets and fears of their past stop them from their future?

This one is probably my favorite one of hers. You can feel the emotion of everything Richard and Nicole went through and the emotion that SM put into this book.

Sacrifice of Love is an amazing love story filled with kind and loving people who's lives have intertwined in some way or the other and some how it manages to bring them together as a family.

View all my reviews


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