Review: Bellissimo Fortuna

Bellissimo Fortuna Bellissimo Fortuna by Leigh Ann Lunsford
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**** April's Review **** 5 Dreams and Screams
I received Bellissimo Fortuna written by Leigh Ann Lundsford from Dreams and screams Bookaholics for an honest review
The fierce, good-looking, loyal, son of a crime boss, Bronson Agosto is what every girl dreams of. He is devoted to one girl and willing to do everything in his power to ensure her safety.

Beautiful, trusting, damaged, daughter of the underboss, Callie Locati has Bronson’s heart. She gave herself to him when they were kids and will sacrifice all she is to protect him.

Divided by the greed of one of the most trusted members of the familia, a father’s sins, and secrets kept, they struggle to overcome the obstacles life has thrown their way. Is Bronson and Callie's bond strong enough to conquer the forces trying to keep them apart? Is a father’s betrayal more than their love can survive? Will the family secrets ruin them or will their devotion stand the test of time?

I truly enjoyed this book. The suspense had me turning page after page, not wanting to stop reading. This was a quick, enjoyable read. You could feel the chemistry between Callie and Bronson before they became who they are now. I am so glad that this was the first book that I have read by Leigh Ann. The book is written amazing and it kept you wanting more and more of them. If you haven't read Bellissimo Fortuna then you need to. It is well worth a 10 star but I can only give it a 5.

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