Twisted Fairy Tales Anthology Release Blitz

Title: Twisted Fairy Tales Anthology
Genre: Juvenile Fiction/Fantasy
Publisher: Alternate Endings Publications
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
Be warned. This quest is not for the faint of heart. Turn back now if you doubt your conviction, for the journey is perilous and the beasts unforgiving.
Well then…if it is adventure that you seek the path lies ahead. Travel with us now down a dark and winding road. We’ll guide you through the Twisted Fairy Tale Forest where demons lurk and dark magic reigns. Steel your mind and guard your heart, brave one, for an ancient evil from a forgotten realm hides deep within the shadows. Fallen angels fly on dark wings. Creatures great and small stalk their prey from afar, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Fear not. There is goodness here for those who truly see. Heroes conquer and love prevails…but, not all is not as it seems and not every fairy tale has a happy ending.
The Twisted Fairy Tales Anthology is a collection of short stories written by a talented group of young authors. They have taken the world of classic fairy tales and tilted it on its axis to bring you some of the most imaginative, often terrifying, retellings you’ll ever read.
Contributing Authors: J.M. Bach, Alex Clark, Makayla Desmit, Lauren Frick, Alexander Hartman, Madeleine Harris, Faith Hays, Polaris Jimenez, Emily Lorenzen, and Grey Nebel.
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