Virgin's Daddy by B.B. Hamel Release Blitz

Title: Virgin's Daddy 
Author: B. B. Hamel 
Genre: A billionaire Romance 

I didn’t know she was a virgin when I bought her.
But I knew I had to have Sadie the moment I saw her. At any price.
I thought I could own her for just one night.
Now she’s mine. And I’m not pretending anymore.
I’m keeping her for real.

Sadie Tillman makes me hard. Plain and simple. One look at her gorgeous curves and innocent smile and I knew I had to have her.

When I find out that she’s a virgin, I know exactly what I want to teach her.

She’s inexperienced in all the best ways, and I’m going to show her how to use that perfect mouth. I don’t let myself get tied down, but I can’t help myself around Sadie. She’s too tempting.

But she’s the daughter of the powerful Hans Tillman, and he doesn’t take kindly to self-made men like me. He says I won’t take her. But he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with.

I bought her, every inch of her, and I’m going to take what’s mine.

Tillman can try to stop us, but I always get what I want.

When we’re through, she’ll have a new Daddy to take care of her.

Prologue: Sadie

 My heart hammers and I’m nervous, so freaking nervous, though I know I don’t need to be.

            Gavin knows what he’s doing. I can see it in the way he moves and the way he speaks to me. Maybe it’s my first time, but it definitely isn’t his.

            Streetlights send shadow up through the windows in his penthouse apartment, making the night feel deep. Gavin smirks as he runs his hands down my hips, along the length of my dress. They reach the hem and stop, pressing lightly against my skin.

            “Is this what you imagined?” he whispers in my ear.

            I shake my head lightly. “Not at all.”

            He slowly lifts the hem of my dress.

            I shouldn’t be here. I’m not supposed to be around Gavin at all. If my family found out what I was doing, they’d disown me and throw me away like trash.

            But I don’t care. I want this man so badly that I can barely stand it.

            “You’re sure you want to give yourself to me?” he asks softly, his lips gently grazing my neck.

            “Yes,” I gasp as his fingers finally find my soaking spot.

            “Good,” he says, taking a handful of my hair. “Because I want to teach you.”

            “Teach me?” I gasp.

            He grins. “You’ll see.” His fingers slide beneath my panties, rubbing up against my soaking pussy.

            I can barely think. I don’t know what I’m doing, why I’m finally giving myself to someone. I barely know this man, but somehow I’m sure this is right.

            He’s older than me and very rich, but he’s trouble. My family would call him low-class, even if he does have as much money as they do or more.

            I’m from an old family, a very rich and wealthy family. We’ve been in this city from its start, and we can count senators, mayors, and business magnates among our venerable ancestors. Or at least that’s what my parents say.

            Recently though, we haven’t earned a thing. We inherit our wealth and run the family business because it’s what’s expected. My brothers will be the businessmen, and I’ll marry some other rich eligible bachelor to ensure that the family line continues.

            I didn’t ask for this life. I don’t even know if I want it.

            But Gavin couldn’t be more different. Everything he has, he earned through hard work and intelligence. He came from nothing but now he’s something.

            He has experience. He has control. He is a confident and capable person, and I find that overwhelmingly attractive.

            Attractive enough to throw it all away. Just for one night of pleasure. Which is probably more than I could have ever expected if I continue along my previous path.

            His rough hands trail along my soft skin and his lips are firm against mine. I feel a thrill run through me as he pulls off my dress.

            I love the way he looks at me. Like he’s starving for my body, like he can’t get enough. I want him to keep staring at me, but I know he’ll have to take his eyes away if we’re going to do what I want to do.

            He presses me against the wall length glass and pins my hands above my head. I’m mostly naked, standing above the city. I’m more exposed than I’ve ever been before, the good rich virgin girl being pressed against this window. That thought only makes me more excited.

            “I’ll be gentle,” he says.

            “Do you have to be?”

            His smirk drives me wild. “At first. But soon. Very soon.” His thumb trails along my bottom lip. “Soon you’ll be down on all fours, begging for my thick cock.”

            As my teeth come down on the skin of his thumb, I know he’s right, and I can’t wait.

My books are steamy contemporary new adult romances, featuring heroines in college or just graduated, and range from stepbrothers to billionaire fantasies to alpha male fighters. Each book is a standalone and they always feature a HEA!

I'm a long time reader, writer, and lover of romance! Writing is my dream and my passion, and I'm so excited to share my stories with you. As an Indie author, your support means everything. Thanks so much for reading!


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