Stolen Moments Blog Tour

Stolen Moments
by S.I. Hayes & J. Haney
Blog Tour 
Contemporary New Adult Romance

Fallon Hopkins is a good country girl. She’s twenty-three, and spends her time taking care of her family, the Farm and going to the Local Farmer’s Markets to sell her sweet confections. This leaves little room for anything else. Her life is happy if not a little boring.

Justin Blackthorne is a New York City transplant, having come to Kentucky to dislodge the silver spoon from his foul mouth. He’s seems like a party boy, covered in tattoos, and piercings, with a life style to match.

Enter Joseph Hopkins Fallon’s meddling father, after meeting Justin he decides the boy may just be the thing to get his daughter out of the farm house and into the real world. Enlisting the aid of his youngest son Peter they force the pair to interact even after a disastrous first meeting.

The pair quickly find they have less to fight about and more to fight for, when the brothers try to keep them apart. Can they conquer the bonds of family or will it all just be Stolen Moments?

I’m standing the kitchen pulling out eggs, sausage and thinking about pancakes when I hear Justin say my name. Yelling back, I let him know I’m in the kitchen and wait for him to join me. I know as soon as he is close because the air shifts.
“So… What’s going on? Where is everyone?” Justin asks.
“Seems as if they decided to go fishing and I’m to train you on all the stuff I do. Which is pretty much freaking everything. For now, I need to know what you’d like to eat so I can get us fed before we spend the next five hours sweating to death.” I’m being snippy.
“Oh wow! So they just abandoned you with me. As far as food I’m a man I’ll eat anything. So just butter us some toast and make some coffee.” Justin says and I look at him as if he has an eyeball in the middle fo his forehead.
“Well… Umm… I kind of enjoy food, so what we have will depend on what you want. I can make just about anything. Give me an idea and I will get us fed.” I say turning the coffee pot on.
He sighs and hip bumps me out of the way. “You go start the coffee and I will make you breakfast. And don’t bother arguing with me. You’ve got the place to yourself, so why don’t you sit back and let someone take care of you for a change.”
“Technically I don’t have the place to myself, because you are here with me. I happen to enjoy taking care of my family. Been doing it since I was seven. What makes you think I’d stop now?”
“Then it’s certainly about time don’t you think?”
He’s freaking challenging me.
“So tell me what you want or I’m going to cook everything in front of me.”
“If you cook everything in front of you it has to all be ate or you won’t get any lunch today. If you’d like to cook, then fine. I can get the house cleaned as you are cooking. My day is just beginning.”
“So then tell me what you want little lady.” He smirks.
“Surprise me.” I say before walking out of the room.


After walking away from Justin I go upstairs and knock it out first since that’s where Pete sleeps. His room is always the worst. It doesn’t take too long; I do this every day. I finally get all the dirty clothes in a basket to take down with me and start the wash when I hear Justin yell up the stairs for me. Lord this seems so surreal. I’ve never just been left alone with one of the workers like this. Daddy must really trust him. Basket in tow I make my way down the stairs. Hitting the last step, I hear him call for me again. Only this time I slip. Jesus what is it about him that keeps making me fall on my ass?
Justin comes strolling out of the dining room and sees me on the floor with a pair of freaking boxers on my head. Could this be any more embarrassing? Wait, why do I care?
He stands there looking at me his hand over his mouth and his eye brows knitted and I can tell by the way his shoulders shake that he’s hiding the widest smile imaginable. He reaches out snatching the boxers from my head and tossing them in the clothes basket.
“These do not look good on you.” He offered me his hand.
“Yea well, had someone not yelled for me as I hit the bottom step and about given me a heart attack I wouldn’t have been on my ass.” I give him a pointed look from my floored positon.
“Come on just leave it. I’ll help you pick it up afterward. The food is getting cold, let’s go.” Keeping my hand in his he pulls me up and along behind him.
Coming to a stop at the table he tells me to sit. Then disappears behind the door.
“Excuse me?” I shout. Walking back in he’s carrying tray with coffee, cups and all the fixin’s.
“I’m sorry milady, please sit and relax. I’ve got this under control.” He smirks and disappears once more.
“Just so you know I really don’t like being told what to do.” I sass and he walks in with two full plates. Sitting one in front of me and one across from me.
“Okay miss sassy pants, that’s enough out of you. Now eat!” I swear I’m going to smack the smirk off his face.
“My God think you cooked enough?” Checking out everything on my plate. I see waffles, eggs, and sausage, and he even managed to sneak in a pile of home fries. Both plates are piled high. He catches me looking back and forth between our plates and lets out a chuckle.
“You said surprise you. So Surprise.”
“Is all this actually editable?” I smart.
“You wound me. Just eat.”
I smile at him as I push out of my chair to stand. “I’m going to get Orange Juice. Would you like any?”
“Damnit I knew I forgot something.”
“Don’t worry not everyone can be prefect.” Walking into the kitchen, expecting to see a mess I stop halfway through the door. Everything is spotless. Letting out a little whimper I make myself move along and hope Justin didn’t hear it.


Leaning over the counter with hands on my face. I have to take a few moments to myself before walking back out there where the man sits that may just be my equal. I’m not sure I’m quite ready for that yet. I still have lots to take care of. Don’t really need to add another person right now.
I jerk up when I feel a hand on my shoulder. My eyes go wide as saucers as he looks down at me.
“Did you get lost, honey?” He opens the fridge and grabs the orange juice.
As he nudges by me, his hand brushes my belly and I have a quick intake of air. Which catches his attention. I’ve yet to actually speak to him. My head is telling me speak but my mouth isn’t moving. He stands in the fridge for a moment with a slight tilt to his head and low chuckle. He knows what he just did to me. I can almost hear him lick his lips as he closes the door and turns to me.
He tilts my head up with his finger. My eyes look straight into his light brown ones. I could sit and stare at them all day.
“Where do you keep the glasses.”
Did he seriously just ask me that?
“They are in the cabinet above the sink, second shelf up.” I say pointing “You only need one. I have to… Uh. I have go somewhere. Have a good breakfast.” Pushing off the counter I move quickly for the door. I’m just as quickly stopped by hand on my wrist.
“Whoa wait a minute. Did I do something wrong? I thought you were supposed to train me today.” Justin says sounding very confused. I refuse to look at him because I am unsure as to how I may react.
“Um… Yea I am… Uh I just… I’m not feeling very well all of a sudden.”
“Fallon, seriously? What’s going on? You were fine less than five minutes ago and I know it wasn’t my food because you haven’t eaten any of it.”
My belly does flips and my legs turn to jelly as he says my name. I’ve got to get out of here. NOW!

“Fallon, talk to me, you’ll find I’m a pretty handy guy to have around, if you need an ear.” He pushes a stray hair behind my ear. My jelly legs completely give out and I fall into his arms.


J. Haney was born and raised in Kentucky, currently residing in Greenup County, Kentucky with her family, where she is the proud momma to Jessalyn Kristine and co-owner of Proud Momma Designs, which she runs with her amazing Momma. J. Haney’s work tends to lean toward sweet and sexy, with suspenseful undertones, giving her readers something to hold onto. S.I. Hayes was born and bred in New England, currently living in Ohio. Running around Connecticut, she used all of her family and friends as inspiration for her many novels. When not writing Paranormal Drama or Erotic Romance she can be found drawing one of many fabulous book covers or teasers. To see them check out her web site. The pair met while working for a previous publisher and became fast friends, their split dynamics and views on life, family and love in general led to the idea of Stolen Moments: A County Fair Romance. They do hope to bring you more of Justin Blackthorne and Fallon Hopkins in the months to come, so keep your eyes open and a fresh pair of panties close by, you know, just in case.

S.I. Hayes

J. Haney


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