The Rock Star's Wedding by Demelza Carlton Release Blitz


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The Rock Star’s Wedding (Romance Island Resort #6), the final book in Demelza Carlton’s Romance Island Resort series about a romance-novel-reading rock star looking for love, is out now! She’s celebrating the release with a very special giveaway – The Rock Star’s Wedding RING. A gold and pearl ring valued at $300 that’s a custom made replica of the ring Jay gives to his bride in the book. You can enter the giveaway HERE: Five women. One rock star. Who will be the bride in the celebrity wedding of the year? Audra is back from Antarctica. Phuong the email-order bride is free, acquitted of all charges. Flavia's forgiven Jay, now she knows who's really responsible. Gaia the billionaire is determined to get what she wants. And Penelope's sporting a pink diamond engagement ring. The weather may be as hot as Hell with the mother of all storms brewing off the coast, but Xan knows one thing for certain: come fire or flood or ex-fiancés, there will be a rock star wedding at Romance Island Resort. But the question on everyone's lips is…who will be Jay Felix's bride? You can get your copy of The Rock Star’s Wedding at the following retailers: Amazon: iBooks: Barnes and Noble: Google Play: Kobo:   Would you like a sneak peek of what’s to come? If you haven’t read the series yet, there might be a spoiler or two in there for the earlier books in the series – you have been warned. wedding-ring-giveaway But if you’d like to start reading the series, the first book, Maid for the Rock Star, is FREE.   A hot Aussie rock star looking for love. Why did he have to pick HER hotel? A maid at the exclusive Romance Island Resort, Audra knows how to handle rock stars, billionaires and celebrities. She keeps their secrets, cleans up their mess and makes sure their holiday is a memorable one. There's just one rule: no relationships with guests. And Audra never breaks the rules. Jay Felix is rock royalty and he knows it. When one of his bandmates threatens to break up the band, he goes into hiding at the Romance Island Resort. Looking for a distraction, he sets his sights on the unattainable Audra. But what's a rock star to do when the girl he wants is the one woman he can't have? Welcome to paradise, where the romance is as hot as the weather and the tides aren't all that's surging beneath the surface.   maid-v3-3dYou can download your FREE copy from the following retailers: Amazon: iBooks: Barnes and Noble: Google Play: Kobo:   Okay…now for the sneak peek! Here goes:   Xan took a moment to stop herself from laughing. How much had Jay had to drink this time? "Why are you so set on getting married?" she asked carefully. "The mail order bride, the virginity auction, the reality TV show…and now an old friend who worked here before Meier hired me. If you ask me, it smacks of desperation. Which is pretty strange, considering how easily you seem to charm the women you want. What am I missing, Jay?" "Angel's wedding," he mumbled, so quietly she barely caught the words. "Your bandmate, right? But if it's her wedding, she's the one getting married, not you." "The invitation said to bring a partner." Xan waved her hand. "But you know that's just a courtesy, right? If you don't know the name of your guest's partner when you write the invitation, which can be printed a year in advance, that's what you put on it, so they can still bring a partner along if they want, and she or he still has an invitation." "Not this time. Not when it's from Angel. It's her telling me to bring a partner because she thinks I need one." He eyed the jetty boards, avoiding her gaze. "And you always do what she says?" Xan asked. He looked up. "Fuck yes! I like living, with all my bits attached, thanks." "But it didn't say wife, did it? Your invitation? It just said partner, right?" Xan pressed. "Yeah. The wife bit…that bit…that was me." He kicked a rock off the jetty. "I said I'd come with my wife, and we'd be so in love we'd put the other couple in the shade." Tempting fate, of course. The beginning of a true Greek tragedy. Or a Roman farce, seeing as this involved Jay Felix. "You could just bring a partner for the night. You don't seem to have a problem keeping a girl interested that long. I'm sure there are hundreds of girls who'd kill for the chance to attend a wedding with you." "Bring a fangirl to Angel's wedding?" Jay's eyes widened in horror. "She'd crucify me. Once Jo was done with me, because she'd never forgive me, either. This won't be a public wedding. You'll see. Angel won't allow any media on the island. Shit, she'll probably have armed security guards stationed along the beaches, ready to shoot down any aircraft within range, drone or manned." Xan still didn't understand what passed for logic in Jay's mind. "But she'd be happy have a reality TV show starlet or some girl whose virginity you bought in an online auction at her wedding." She almost added something about his black widow mail order bride, but stopped herself in time. Phuong's betrayal was a low blow that still had the power to upset him. Xan might not like Jay, but she wasn't that cruel. "She wouldn't have known," Jay said. Xan snorted. "That reality TV show aired its first episode last week. The whole country knows about your very public search for a wife. Paige told me the studio is in talks to sell the rights to this season to one of the big networks in the US. Everyone wants to watch the music world's hottest bachelor find a wife, live in their living room. Your Angel would have to be living under a rock in a bunker with no access to the outside world not to know about THAT." Jay sighed heavily. "She's not my angel. Never was, never will be." His shoulders slumped and all the fight went out of him. Finally, Xan understood. "How long have you been in love with her?"06 "What's it matter?" Angrily, Jay swept the remaining rocks off the jetty with his foot. "She's marrying that psycho, not me. And Audra says cheaters never get a happily ever after, so I'm fucked on all sides now. Doesn't matter who I go to her wedding with, because whoever she is, we won't be happy." He laughed bitterly. "Because if I cheated on Audra by getting with fangirls on just that one farewell tour, I've cheated on Angel hundreds, maybe thousands of times. Doesn't matter that there was no love or relationship involved with any of them. She'll never want me." "Sometimes the one person we want is the one we can't have," Xan said. That was the whole bit about the hero's quest in all the ancient stories, right? A hero haring off after some impossible goal? "Would you get back with a guy who cheated on you?" Jay challenged. Xan hesitated. Would she get back with Jerome? "No," she answered finally. "It's too big a betrayal. I hope his dick shrivels up and no one ever loves him again." Jay plucked at his shorts. "You want my dick to do what? Hey, there's nothing about that in any of the books. Never being loved is enough, don't you think?" Yes. Maybe it was. Xan would settle for never seeing Jerome again, to be honest, let alone any shrivelling. Except….there was the problem of the reopening of the Mangrove Hotel. Maybe she and Jay could help each other out. "You know what?" Xan said. "If you come with me to an official function in town next month, I'll make a deal with you. If you still can't find an acceptable partner to attend your bandmate's wedding with, I'll go with you." "And marry me, too?" Jay realised his mistake as soon as the words left his lips. "Okay, sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Forget I said it. She'll already know you're the hotel manager here, and she won't believe…" "That's right," Xan interrupted. "What do you say? Is it a deal?" "Yeah." Jay eyed her with what Xan might have called relief. "Thanks, Xan. I guess that makes us friends, doesn't it?" Xan nodded, biting her tongue before she blurted out the bit about her friendship coming with an absolute lack of benefits. Instead, she wished him a nice evening, and headed back to her house, vowing to help him find a better date for the wedding than her. Whatever it took. And she had to meet this Angel, who had the power to both terrify and enthral a man like Jay Felix.  


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