Review: Dreamer

Dreamer Dreamer by Amy Reece
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** April's Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams
Meet Ally Moran, a 17 year-old who also happens to be psychic. Oh, and she’s getting more psychic with every passing day, so much so that she’s been sent to Ireland to check in with the Seer Council to see what’s up with her freaky new powers. Jack Ruiz is her 19 year-old boyfriend, a former troublemaker who’s back on track and trying desperately to graduate. His plans did not include falling in love with a psychic trouble-magnet. Last month they worked together to save a friend in deep trouble and ended up solving a school-wide mystery. But now there’s a new guy at school, Remy Giles, and he seems just a little bit too interested in Ally for Jack’s liking. And why does Ally keep dreaming about a kidnapping? Last month seems like a cakewalk compared to this semester… Ally's trying to solve a mystery, but Jack is just trying to keep her alive.
This is the second book in the series and is definitely just as great as the first! So if you haven't read the first book Seeker do so immediately. The characters go through some hard issues and make some huge life decisions, but it's the ending that will leaving you wanting more. I can't wait for the third book to come out. I am in love with this book series. It is really fun and interesting and I can't wait to read more and find out where Ally and Jack's journey ends. I hope with a happy ending. Also I want to see Ally's powers grow and see where her powers take her. Thanks Amy Reece!

Crystal's 5 Star Review
This is the second book in the Seekers series and you must read these books in order or you will be lost. This book picks off where The Seeker ends.
Ally is now 17 and her powers are blossoming. She is getting more powers and it is decided that she will need to travel to Ireland to speak with the Seer Council. Neither she nor her boyfriend Jack is happy about that, but she goes. While there, she learns some of the history and finds out that she might be the next Oracle. After she comes back and school starts, there is a new student that she has weird vibes about. Remy Giles is the new foreign exchange student from France, but to Ally, there is something a little off about him.
Just as in the first book, Ally is pulled into a scary situation and Jack must work his hardest to protect his girlfriend.
Again, the writing is so good, the blending of everyday life and the supernatural is great. The descriptions are awesome. I am really enjoying all the characters and in this book, a whole slew of new ones are added. Usually I don’t like it because I can’t keep up with them all, but this is so seamless that Ms. Reece makes it easy to keep up.

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