Nature's Destiny Series by Justine Winter Promo Tour

Series: Nature's Destiny
Books: Nature's Destiny, Sapphire's Divinity, Guardians Dynasty, Warriors Duty
Author: Justine Winter
Genre: Paranormal Romance
My life was changing, morphing into something greater than I could have anticipated. I was becoming something I didn't recognise as myself anymore. A Werewolf. 
I was different. 
'Hybrid' was what they called me, and the weight that rested against that one word was crippling. They depended on me to bring them safety. What made me so special? 
Oh, that's right. My destiny. 
I was sucked into a world I'd had no idea existed. Twenty-one years as a human, and this was what I found out. 
My travelling plans, my writing degree, all of it was gone within one night. One evil night that robbed my humanity. 
I wasn't completely sour. Life had been unfair a while ago, only now I'd had something worth fighting for besides myself. Something to live for. 
I was afraid for the others. I couldn't let them down. I wouldn't let them down. 
I'd gone to bed a human and woken up a Werewolf. 
A special Werewolf. 
A Hybrid.
I was a hybrid werewolf with a secret destiny shadowed by a prophecy the Ancient Guardians foretold. The same Ancient Guardians that had organised the annual Alpha summit Riley had been summoned to. 
Since Jackson's demon threat everyone was powered up on overtime at the gym. Train, sweat, repeat. Train, sweat, repeat. 
But all that rage-filled preparation wasn't enough. We were being targeted by something new, and it didn't stop there. 
The summit was proving to be my nemesis. Egotistical morons challenged me with threats to the one I loved, and I knew I couldn't endure a life without Riley. 
Besides all of that, there was one thing I was finally understanding about the supernatural. Nothing was as it seemed. 
Not even me.
I was dying. Every minute I wasted without a mate, my mind became more volatile. I was unbalanced, stronger than I was capable of handling alone. Supposedly, I was destined for greatness, but apparently I had to overcome another task first. A mating. Riley was my one true love. I was sure. However, that didn't necessarily mean I was his. Complications, it seemed, were becoming my forte. Despite my personal problems, the demons emerged, offering little hope and even less mercy. With my mind preoccupied, I wasn't ready for the attack heading our way. The pack needed me now more than ever, but the demons were cunning, thwarting my plans and upping the stakes each time. I was letting them down. We weren't ready. I wasn't ready. Darkness descended on Nature's Destiny, and sadness was sure to come. War had begun.
Death. Destruction. Demons. War was officially declared. Blade’s rebirth into the world became something we truly weren’t prepared for. And I felt guilty. Blaming myself for not getting to Lara in time. She was gone. Nature’s Destiny was grieving. In the midst of our woes the battle was brewing. Incubi kept coming. Hell beasts were slaying. And the demon master was another step closer to winning. With an army of supernatural beings in my arsenal I was optimistic that we were enough. We had the prophecy and my fortitudo on our side. Whatever happened there was one thing I knew for certain. The end had come.
I’ve always lived a life based on my imagination, from hopeless dreams of romance to concocting alternate realities involving supernaturals. I’m completely fascinated with anything hero-related, and often speculate which superpower I’d possess. I haven’t settled on one yet.
I was born in England, and currently reside in Wales, UK. I love to write, and most days you’ll find me happily tapping away at the computer whilst in my pyjama-clad bubble. I also spend my time reading, and if that isn’t enough I’m often in the kitchen baking up a treat.


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