Review: High-Sided

High-Sided High-Sided by L.P. Dover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was given a copy for an honest review. Logan and Kassidy were a couple when they were teens. Then a tragic accident on the track forces Logan to reevaluate his life. Thinking that he is going to be wheelchair bound for life, he doesn’t want Kassidy to be stuck taking care of him. He breaks up with her even though he truly loves her.
Now that years have passed, Logan is back in town. Kassidy’s family is the target of a killer and no one is safe. Logan is now an undercover FBI agent and he finds out about the plot against her family and that the accident that almost killed him might not have been an accident at all. He heads back to his hometown and begins the hunt. Coming in with another undercover agent, Logan is bound and determined to figure out who is behind everything and to protect the woman he has loved this entire time.
One cannot go wrong with an L.P. Dover book. She draws you into her stories and keeps you tightly bound until the last page. Always full of love, and a lot of suspense, I haven’t found a bad one yet.

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