Redemption by Samantha Harrington Blog Tour

Blog Tour - Redemption: The Volkov Mafia Series book 4 by Samantha Harrington
Book - Redemption
Author - Samantha Harrington
Photographer Max Ellis
Cover Model Stefan Northfield
Cover Design Francessca Webster
Blog Tour - 1st - 7th August
Hosted by Hooked on books & Cherry0Blossoms Promotions

Max Ellis ~
Stefan Northfield ~


Guilt eats away at your soul. Pride makes you foolish. I want to be more for her.

Scared to try and petrified of failure.

She came into my life showing more fight and courage than anyone I had ever meet.

Through my wrong doings, she was saved!
As time goes by, she brands herself on my heart.

I have to walk away, I have to say goodbye.

But having her once will never be enough.

Redemption comes at a price and I'm just scared that's it's going to be Emma!

UK ~
US ~

Get To Know You Interview

Tell us is there anything about you that people don't already know?
I love to explore new places and get ideas, watch films and relax with my kids.

Your books are so emotional. How long does it take for you to be able to get the characters out of your mind and move on to the next?
Sometime it takes a really long time, but then other days they won’t talk to me. 

Are the names of the characters in your novels important?
Certain ones are yes. Good people that have touched my life..

What are the most important attributes to remaining sane as a writer?
Taking a break!! Relaxing when you have written something emotional. 

What is the most demeaning thing said about you as a writer?
Thats not a real job!!

How do you react to a bad review of one of your books?
I learn from it and move on. My books won’t be for everyone and I’m great full they have took the time to read and review. 

What was the hardest part of writing your book?
For me its not having enough hours in a day, i do get distracted very quickly. 

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
I learnt that you can’t plan life that you have to roll with the punches. 

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Yes!!! fight for your happy ever after.. because if you never give up you will get what you want...
Have you ever read or seen yourself as a character in a book or a movie?
NO, I’m pretty boring in real life, and these writes create amazing characters.

I love the covers. What made you choose them? What gave you the idea?
The vision for Fractured and Redemption sort of came at the start of the books i knew what i wanted so i saved up and made it happen. 

Who designs your covers?
Fransessca Webster…. she is amazing….

Describe in 5 words, your writing:
Lust, Revenge, Love, Sex and Death. 

When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
 Various things i went through phases.. Ballerina, Vet, police dog handler.. lol I never found my dream until i started reading.  

What do you use to write your book?
Macbook air and pen and paper...

Do you listen to music while you are writing or reading?
Yes! when I’m writing, i feel music gives you better access to emotion. 

Tell us your latest news?
I’m hoping to start a completely new series… 

What book are you reading now?
Nothing at the moment. i have just finished Redemption so I’m taking a week or two to spend with my family. 

Do you have a nickname?
Moofa, or Sam….ask charlie Spence why Moofa 

What are your pet peeves?
Nothing really gets to me. Not everyone will like my crazy. So i think thats fine move on.
Do you ever write naked?
Haha Hell no…Six kids running round i would care them for life lol….but i do write in my Pj’s .

What is your favourite Starbuck’s/coffee shop drink?
Hate Starbuck’s…don’t drink coffee..Im a tea girl.

What's your favourite fruit?
Apple’s love them.

What's your favourite TV show?
Hawaii 5 O….Steve Mcgarret…yummy...

What's your favourite genre?
Paranormal and Fantasy romance. 

One of your favourite quotes
off hand…Same shit different day…. not sure who said it but i do like that quote. 

Do you enjoy giving interviews?
Haha, what author does really. i like that you all want to know a little bit more about me… so thanks for that lol. 

Top Ten Book Boyfriends
don’t really have any….I love all alpha males in books…

but Christian Grey is lovely.

Top Ten Love Triangles

Not into love triangles

Five Fun Facts:
I'm loud, I have a dirty sense of humour. love my kids. love my hubby. love the book world. 

 <3  <3 

I am a mum to six wonderful children, and married to an amazing man who supports my dream to write.

I wouldn’t say that I wanted to be a writer from when I was little.
I only really started reading often when I had baby number five, as he was born very early and spent thirteen weeks in special care. It was then that I discovered my love for reading.
From then on, I was hooked. I read all types of romance books.
It dawned on me that I wanted to be more than a mum/reader/blogger. I wanted to write, as I have a very active imagination, so I put pen to paper.

I wrote my first book, Obsession, this year and I am super excited to say that it will be published on the 29/09/2015.

Coincidentally, this is my thirtieth birthday (at least I won't forget the day my first book went live).

I write romance - contemporary, dark and erotic.

I like to write about loss, pain and love, and
what it's like to fight for your happy ever after.

<3<3<3 <3








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