Hard Climate (Men of London #8) by Susan Mac Nicol Release Blitz

Title: Hard Climate
Series: Men of London #8
Author: Susan Mac Nicol
Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
Genre: M/M New Adult Contemporary
Release Date: July 28, 2016


Eco-warrior Mango Manning must shake the demons of his past to win back London nightclub owner Ryan Bishop, who is suddenly facing issues of his own.


Brawny, beautiful, complicated and sexy as hell, eco-warrior Mango Manning is everything performer and London nightclub owner Ryan Bishop wants in a life-partner. But Mango has been loving and leaving Ryan for the past two years, and Ryan’s had enough. That’s why he’s moving on. Ryan’s the monogamous type—which means now he’ll be alone at the worst possible time.

Mango Manning knows he’s screwed up and has commitment issues. That’s why he’s been so on-and-off with Ryan these past two years. He’d thought he found a safe haven, a place to hide from the losses of his past, but there are other demons you just can’t escape. Like Ryan’s health. If Mango is to put things right, he must man up and discover a way back into Club Delish and the heart of its owner. Only then can they look to the future together, come what may. True happiness will slip through their fingers...unless they both grab on and hold tight.

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“You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

Ryan gulped down the remains of his Heavenly Hawaiian Kona Coffee and stormed over to his front door. He was as pissed off that he’d wasted a mouthful of expensive and exclusive coffee as he was with Mango, who stood at the entrance to his building being an insistent pest.

After the first buzz of the doorbell, Ryan had checked the security camera to determine who his visitor was. When he’d seen it was Mango, he’d ignored the bastard. Mango obviously didn’t have the keys he’d been given for Ryan’s flat and Club Delish in case of emergencies.

The buzzer had gone again. And again. Each time Mango lay on the bell longer than before. The fourth time it sounded, Ryan was ready to commit murder. The overwhelming desire to punch Mango’s lights out was, however, accompanied with an instant body tingle at the sight of his lover. Ryan knew this moment had been coming but he still wasn’t prepared for what he needed to do.

He flung the door open and put his hands on his hips. “You’ve got a fucking nerve,” he growled as Mango smiled hesitantly at him.

“Sorry for the buzzing and knocking.” Mango waved a tanned hand. “I didn’t have my keys with me.”

Ryan’s temper got the better of him. “It’s been six fucking weeks. Haven’t you got a whale to save or a bat to protect? Maybe visiting a whole rain forest of pygmy dwarves and their habitat? I know I have nothing here that might pique your eco-warrior interest so you may as well piss off.” Part of Ryan hoped Mango might do as he was told and postpone the pain for another day.

“Hello to you too, babe.” Mango raised one eyebrow. Ryan had to admit each time he did that it was as sexy as hell. And Mango knew it. “Pygmy dwarves?” Mango drawled, with amusement. “I had that particular excursion a few months ago, remember?”

“Don’t call me babe.” Mango’s smile faltered as Ryan took the comment and ran with it. “And I remember the whole pygmy dwarves scenario very well. It was the night you left me at dinner sitting alone like some pathetic man waiting for his date because you had an urgent plane to catch.”

Mango looked a little abashed but Ryan hadn’t finished. He waggled his index finger in Mango’s face. “Oh, wait, I remember now, the pathetic man waiting for a date was me. Because his date-to-be decided he had more important places to go.” Ryan took a deep breath, willing his ever-fiery drama queen to stay on the down-low. The throb in his temples signalled a low-grade headache coming on.

Mango held out a hand in a ‘whoa, stop’ gesture. “Ryan, I explained about that. The only plane out to the North Congo was the one I had to catch. They’d grounded a whole load because of some rainstorm coming in. It was the only way to get in and out of the conservation area.” He grinned faintly. “And for the record, you call them pygmies, not pygmy dwarves.”

Carefully constructed break-up plan forgotten, Ryan’s temper combusted at Mango’s teasing. “What-the-fuck-ever,” he exploded and slammed the door right in Mango’s face. He only wished Mango’s nose had been closer so he could have had the pleasure of hearing it break.

Author Bio

Susan Mac Nicol is a self-confessed bookaholic, an avid watcher of videos of sexy pole dancing men, geek, nerd and in love with her Smartphone. This little treasure is called ‘the boyfriend’ by her long suffering husband, who says if it vibrated, there’d be no need for him. Susan hasn’t had the heart to tell him there’s an app for that…

She is never happier than when sitting in the confines of her living room/study/on a cold station platform scribbling down words and making two men fall in love. In an ideal world, Susan Mac Nicol would be Queen of England and banish all the bad people to the Never Never Lands of Wherever -Who Cares. As that’s never going to happen, she contents herself with writing her HEA stories and pretending, that just for a little while, good things happen to good people.

Sue is a PAN member of Romance Writers of America and is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association in the UK.

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