Review: Weathered Love

Weathered Love Weathered Love by Tracie Redmond
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

***** April's Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams
This is book two in the Prick Series. It's recommended that you read book one, Guided Love first.

Life doesn’t come with a weather forecast. There isn’t a report to tell you when a storm is coming. When the dark clouds roll in, you are lost to the depths of your own making.

Camaron Willis only had one person he could count on. One person who could always lift him up. After almost destroying their friendship he has to sit back and watch her marry someone else.

His world is consumed with darkness as the storm clouds wage on in his life. The only escape he can find is at the bottom of a bottle. He works, he drinks, and he sleeps with any woman who is willing to spread her legs. He doesn’t even realize the darkness has consumed him, until he finally catches a break in the clouds and finds a glimpse of light shining through
In Weathered Love, Camaron is suffering after the things he did to Samantha. He knows what he did was wrong and he fears that he has lost the only friend that he has ever known who he truly was. The friend who understands him and loved him regardless of his actions. He drinks, he sleeps with many questionable people, and he spirals deeper into that darkness.

Then enters Jessica. Jessica is a naïve, compassionate, adorable and most of all she is the most selfless person I've ever read about. She's struggled through something that is devastating and now she pretty much tries to live her life as best as she can, but she has held herself back for so long. Samantha asks her to come for the wedding so she meets the crew! (By the way, the friendship between the women in this story is so amazing. Carrie, Sam, Gabby, and Jessica are hilarious and fun! I laughed out loud and felt tears in my eyes many times because this group is so fantastic and close
Weathered Love picks up where Guided Love ends. After reading the first one, I thought that I would never forgive Camaron for what he did to his best friend Sam but boy was I wrong. Not only did I forgive him, I fell for him hard. If there is anyone person that I would pick for Camaron it would be Jessica. The chemistry is amazing. It’s like fate wanted them to be together. Weathered Love will make you laugh and it will make you cry. There is a scene in Weathered Love that was majorly HOT! If you want to know then you need to read Weathered Love. You will not want to put it down. It is beautifully written and will leave you wanting more.

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