Review: Letting Go

Letting Go Letting Go by Terri George
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** April's Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams
Nick Frost is a man adrift; lost without the one thing that holds him together. Only Mia can save him from himself, but she knows what she saw. Will she find it within herself to forgive?

Keeping secrets can test love to its limits. Mia has kept things hidden too. How will Nick react when he discovers Mia isn’t quite the girl he thinks she is? Will Nick let Mia into his head as well as his heart and lay his ghosts to rest?

They say true love is strong enough to weather any storm. Well there’s a whole heap of trouble blowing in from the west. When Nick acts before thinking, will Mia come up with a plan to ensure his freedom?

“Love is seeing all the flaws and accepting them. Love is recognizing all the fears and insecurities.”

Can Nick and Mia accept each other’s flaws? Can they both Let Go of their fears and insecurities and find their way to their Happy Ever After?

Letting Go picks up right where book two left off. Mia and Nick are both miserable and struggling without each other, but how do they move on when it feels like they lost half of their hearts. Letting Go leaves you wondering will they reconnect? Will Mia and Nick ever get HEA? With Nick still holding so many secrets in and Mia misunderstanding things and her own secrets, you're not sure if things will ever click again. Will the truth come out and destroy everything or will true love prevail? Heartbreaking journey for both. Definitely a lot of unexpected surprises in this one. Some that I didn't see coming! You will fall hard for the characters in this series. I am sad to see this series come to an end. Thanks Terri for writing an amazing series.

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