Review: Transcendent

Transcendent Transcendent by Shevaun Delucia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** April's 5 Star Review ***** 5 Dreams and Screams
Love, desire, and the undeniable hunger for another living being is something Jeffrey Bauer knows nothing about. Women have always been drawn to him like moths to a flame. But, he’s been careful to never indulge in the same woman more than once; it’s a rule he has always abided by. A rule that has kept him safe—until now.

Jeff’s impervious world now crumbles to the wayside once he crosses paths with her—Elise Jewels. She knocks down his walls with just one glance. She grabs ahold of his soul, without permission, and keeps it hostage. She’s become the exception to his simple rule.

Elise screams innocence and purity—a beauty that Jeff doesn’t want to taint. He has to decide to embark on his deepest desires with Elise or to save her from himself by staying far away.

Will he be able to fight the irresistible pull she has on him? Or will he allow her to slip away?
The chemistry that Jeff and Elise has was amazing and their attraction for each other is one that they try to fight but they realize that they can’t. Its a good read and one that will have you believing in true love and the beauty that comes with it. I just didn't want it to end. I highly recommend this book and Jayded. Transcendent left me wanting more.

Shevaun you ROCKED this book. Can’t wait to read more! Thanks Shevaun for giving me the opportunity to read this book. Can't wait to see what you have planned for Junior and Kinsey

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